gm @everyone. Mainnet Sims 3 terminated at 10am UTC.

20 Mar 2023, 12:18
gm @everyone! Mainnet Sims 3 terminated at 10am UTC 😿 Thank you all for taking part and for supporting/testing out the Vega network, on the validator testnet. πŸ“‘ The winners will be released as soon as we've gone through the necessary steps (aka.... getting rid of the Sybils)! We'll update the total leaderboard with the VEGA winnings for Sim3: 😍 Additionally, a wrap up blog on Sims 3 with all the main takeaways and insights will be released in the coming week. We'll keep you posted on the final Sim, Mainnet Sim4, in our Friday Vega Bytes (where we communicate the latest protocol developments)... πŸ” The Sybil hunter is back and I've heard he's looking for vengeance 🐢